Seizure triggered delivery


Phew, it’s been such a crazy 24 hours. I have epilepsy, and have been seizure free for over a year.. this month would’ve been 2 years seizure free.

So originally, my baby girl was due on June 5th, however she decided she wanted to make an appearance early.

All day yesterday, and the night before I was having such horrible contractions but since they were sporadic and I’m a FTM, I didn’t know whether to go in. Finally, they were so bad I decided to call and go in. I was already dilated to a 5, and my contractions were back to back and very intense. They decided to admit me at 6:45 pm.

The nurses came in to draw my blood (which is a seizure trigger) and that’s the last thing I remember.

Sure enough between the blood work and the intense pain from the contractions, it triggered a seizure, and my daughter’s heart rate plummeted. The doctors and nurses acted quickly and 3 minutes later, my baby girl arrived at exactly 4 pounds.

She does have Down syndrome, which during pregnancy we found out she was high risk, and was confirmed that she also has a heart defect and stomach defect which we found out during my pregnancy as well. In about 2 hours, she’ll be transported to a children’s hospital for her stomach surgery. She is stable and and our goal is to allow me to see her before she’s transported since I have to stay another day/night here at the hospital. So fingers crossed!! God was in COMPLETE control and I’m so thankful for all of the doctors and nurses.