Worst pregnancy mishap of all time!!!!!!

Mandy • 💏2012 🎀👶🏼1/10/14👼🏻+👼🏻+👼🏻+👼🏻2019👼🏻6/30/19,👼🏻5/31/20

Ok so I’m 15 weeks pregnant and have been having contractions so I was going to see my ob right? I’m driving up to my apt and all of a sudden I feel like I gotta puke. There’s NOWHERE to pull over so I get one of my Walmart bags and put it in my lap to try and aim for that but when I started puking I realized omg I’m not looking at the road so what does my dumb ass do? I look up mid puke cause I gotta see where I’m going and my 5 year olds in the car with me so I can’t go getting into a wreck. Puke went all in the windshield on the steering wheel my lap my hair the radio the gear shifters the floor the seat EVERYWHERE like I lie! I then have to drive 3 more minutes down the road to my apt cause I was already running late. I parked in the very back of the parking lot, luckily I always carry a clean outfit and shoes for me and my daughter everywhere I go. I stripped down naked gave myself a wet wipe bath, put the bag with the little puke that made it into there under my car to dispose of after my apt. But to make matters worse, I have full dentures because of a genetic disorder that destroyed my teeth, well I get into my apt and remember that my bottom denture had fell out into the bag while I was puking, the bag that I’d hid under my cat to deal with once I get out of my apt 😫 luckily it was still out there when I got done with my apt. Honestly I think it’s best to just throw away the whole car at this point lol