Reality check

Ashley • 30. Marine Wife. MMC 11/13/18 👼. 🌈 👶🏻 8/29/19 MC 12/15/20 👼 🌈👶🏻 11/24/21

For all of us who have longed to see those two pink lines and are now growing a child within Us to think back to that moment and now all I can think about is how in the heck am I going to push this child out of my VAGINA!!! 😳🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m super scared and nervous as any new mom would be or 2nd,3rd,4th time mom would be lol! I feel like each day is an absolute blessing and now I have to bring this child into this world and give every part of me to her (which I am absolutely okay with) I guess I’m having one of those realty check days!! 😂🤣🤔 anyone else feel this way!?