Please help. Bleeding and pregnant.

Maria • Married my best friend December 8, 2017 Our little 👼🏼 went back home August 9, 2018 And little 👼🏼 2 went back home May 16, 2019 Have birth to our sweet baby 👶🏽 boy Zak July 6, 2020 🤍

So today I went to visit my nephew at the hospital. I went to the restroom and I seen a blood on the toilet paper. No cramping no nothing. I’ve had two passed miscarriages. So I went straight to the emergency room. They drew blood and did an ultrasound. The gentleman didn’t see anything. He gave me a regular and vaginal ultrasound. My last period was April 4th. When they finally came in the room after looking at ultrasounds and blood tests my hcg levels were at 125. He said it’s a bit hard to tell if it’s an ectopic pregnancy since Im not too far along. He says I may be about 4 weeks. Has this happened to anyone and have had a healthy pregnancy. The doc did put me on bed rest. Any advice ? I’m still bleeding but not much. I put a pad on to see if I do again and how much it is. It’s only when I wipe that I see red blood. Thank you in advance. Xoxo