The tea


My boyfriends graduation is tomorrow and my parents asked if they could go. My boyfriend had two extra tickets but I guess my boyfriends sister had already invited her boyfriend. My boyfriend tried getting her to just uninvited him since they barely know eachother anyways. The whole thing just blew up. Meanwhile I’m in the other room while they just talk about me in Spanish and how last minute and inconvenient it was of me. I only know a little bit of Spanish so I understood a little. I decided to just take my mom so the sister had a ticket for her boyfriend. I understand I should’ve asked earlier but for them to talk about me while in the house and in a different language just really ticked me off

Also my boyfriend talked to them and how inappropriate it was to talk about me with me in the house and the sister said she’s not going if she can’t take her boyfriend then the parents said they’re not going if the sister is