Hard time


Hey, I’ve just separated from my partner, it was a really abusive and toxic relationship for 4 years, his anger had gotten terribly worse over the last couple months, there was an insistence on Monday that I had to get out of the house fast before he hit me or my 2 year old, I ran to my brothers as he lives around the corner, I then got arrested as he called the police first and told them lies, i apparently kicked him threw a knife at him and hit my little one, this was not the case, i was in a cell for about 4 hours before they released me and heard my side of the story this was one of the most terrifying moments of my life, (I’ve never been arrested or had any trouble with the police) Me and my son are now living with my mum and are getting some help from a woman’s aid and the council, I’m very emotional right now just wanted someone to talk to so I feel like I’m not alone through all this, he things I’m going to go back and play happy family’s but that’s not the case at all he found it funny that I got arrested all because he called the police first (that’s what the police are saying) he’s now spreading rumours around saying I’m mental and crazy that I have trashed the the house and abused him, how did you all cope with this?? I really don’t want to leave the house