
before anyone just goes and says “go to a doctor!!” please just listen and see if you have any other advice too. so the past few years i’ve had irregular periods where sometimes i will not have my period for like 89 days (that’s the longest it’s gone without) and i usually have pretty bad cramps and medium to pretty heavy flow, and i’m talking about bloody murder crime scene heavy where you’re walking around with a heavy overnight pad during the day like it’s a diaper lol. but that’s slightly beside the point. i always get symptoms a week or so ahead and that’s always been pretty normal for me. i get the achy boobs, cramps, acne, you name it i get it the week before. but this time is different right now, i got the symptoms a week before and that was normal i was like aw shit here we go again finally let’s get this shit over with. another things is that recently i’ve been getting really long periods, i think the last one was 12 days but it’s been like that for the last few periods. that’s the thing, i thought everything was normal because having brown-ish discharge can be generic when it’s the first few days of your period, but i t s b e e n 1 6 d a y s o f b r o w n a n d s o m e t i m e s p i n k / r e d d i s c h a r g e. SIXTEEN DAYS!!! i would go to the doctor but 💰 is tight rn and i’m also moving atm so we don’t have time for anything else but that and going to school. so i guess my question after this long ass and annoying post is, do any of you have any advice or have experienced the same thing? if you have gone through something like this, what did you do about it?