Green gooey poop TMI pic included

Is there a such thing as teething poop? My 3 month old has been teething for 4 days now and for three days now she has been having this kind of poop. She is breastfed and I have been dumping 1 oz of breast milk before feeding her also I have been block feeding. First thing I thought was a foremilk and hindmilk imbalance but it doesn't seem to be doing any difference. She also has a low grade fever that comes and goes 100.7 the highest but goes down with Tylenol. At this point I'm thinking it's probably a stomach bug. She has a doctor's appointment for tomorrow morning I'm just wondering what y'all think. She's kind of fussy sometimes and starts crying with her hands in her mouth but mostly acts normal and I know she's teething because I see two little tooth buds on her lower gums. She still feeding normally as well. She also poops a lot more than this.. this is the least amount of poop I've had in the last 4 days