Going through a divorce at age 23


Me and my soon to be ex husband was together almost 8 years (dating and marriage), my husband is bipolar and refused to take his medication or see a therapist. When we first got married he decided to shove me in an argument, I don’t mean a slight shove, I mean a shove so hard I fell back on my back and hit my head on our hardwood floors, I felt funny in my head; I guess from hitting it, and he wouldn’t help me up. Shoving happened a few times, and even would smack me in the face when I cried once, he wouldn’t smack me hard enough to leave a mark, but enough for it to sting. Mental abuse was almost an every day thing, calling me a bitc*, useless if the store didn’t have the right pack of cigarettes, told me to hurry up and die once when I told him i was sick, he didn’t work but got a disability check (I knew this before we got married so that wasn’t the issue) so he was at the house all the time, he wouldn’t help me at all around the house, left trash every where which I MYSELF had to clean up after a grown man, and right before I left, he started accusing me of a guy who lived out of state and started going through my phone (something he’s never ever done in the whole 8 years of being together), the day I left I was honestly heartbroken, even though they was mental and physical abuse, I still loved/love him. He had to love back in with his parents, and now he won’t quit messaging me, telling me he misses me, how he’s sorry, etc. I know he has bipolar but so do I (I have manic depression and anxiety), and I never spoke to him or touched him in any way he did me. It wasn’t every day but enough to make up for the days he wasn’t. I just want to ask if anyone has been in this type of situation before?