Breastfeeding and treatment for Sciatica /Herniated disc

I have been going to physical therapy I still have a lot of nerve tension and my MRI is scheduled for 5/21. Pain management told me prior that if I need injections I can NOT breastfeed. My OB said I could as well as my physical therapist. The doctor at the walk in who ordered my physical therapy said I have to stop breastfeeding for 48 hours and he could give me an injection while I was there. I turned it down hoping physical therapy would work. My primary said I wouldn’t be able to breastfeed and there’s not much they could do for me if I chose to continue breastfeeding but said maybe there might be an option if I were to temporarily stop breastfeeding.

My daughter is only 3 months old and I do not want to stop breastfeeding but I’m also taking Ibuprofen every 4-6 hours for pain, so my quality of life isn’t 100. (I cleared the ibuprofen with her pediatrician of course.)

My question is has any other mamas out there had sciatica or herniated disc brought on by pregnancy and received injections and still safely breastfed? I can’t find much out there on the subject and every doctor seems to have a different answer.