Does your dog know you’re pregnant?

Kelly • 💙💖💙

So my dog Pixie started following me everywhere and curling up on or next to my belly from about 6 weeks. I read that they can smell the hormonal change in your body.

I’m now 12 weeks and she’s started barking at every little sound and anyone who visits. She sits and looks at me and cries sometimes. She’s never been like this. It’s sweet but starting to drive me crazy!

Anyone experienced this and does it eventually wear off when they get used to you being pregnant?

I’m a little concerned about how she will react to the baby. She’s got a lovely temperament but this change has thrown me a bit and I’m scared her protectiveness of me will turn to jealousy, especially as my other kids are grown up so she’s never been around a baby and tends to hide from children.

Any experience with pets and pregnancy?