I’m hurting so much inside.


I am so down and depressed. Been TTC for over 20 years. Had numerous miscarriages. On clomid. Lost weight, changed diet. Cycle is like clockwork. Scans are all showing I’m ovulating. This month I was really hopeful. Got to 12dpo and started spotting. Thought ok maybe it’s plantation bleed but it’s now full on. 2 days b4 AF was due.

I can’t take this anymore. There are days when I am strong and feel hopeful and then days I’m so down. Hubby’s had all the tests and they were good.

People keep saying try and block it out but how can you.

It’s always there. I’m taking meds at beginning of cycle, then your thinking and waiting for the right time to have sex, observing your cm and bbt. Then 2WW then blood test at d21. Its always there. I’m all cried out. I just want to be a mother and make my husband a father. 😞🙏🏾