
My SO & I were laying in bed and he goes “I know you want to get DP’d (Double penetrated)”. At first I’m like well go get Henry (my toy) and get to it. He then proceeded to tell me no I think we should invite another guy into this. At first I’m like this is a trap. Then I’m like noooooope because then he’ll want to add another girl. Then I finally was wrapping my head around how serious he was and I was like but then you’ll want to add another girl and I can’t handle seeing you with another girl. He was like we can invite another couple. Woahhh I’m not sure how we got this far but my body is not saying no but my heart kind of is, ya know? Then I was like well what guy/couple were you thinking?!? At first he played it off as he doesn’t have anyone in mind just thinks we’re young and should do crazy things. Then he names a co-worker (let’s call him Kevin). Him and Kevin car pool. I just recently became friends with his wife. Kevin definitely isnt bad looking (his wife is sweet but I definitely would not be jealous of her). But wouldn’t that completely change our newly found friendship? Their work relationship? Should I go along with it? Won’t that really change our relationship? I’m such a submissive/person pleaser but i would absolutely HATE to ruin our relationship just to be “crazy”. I know my SO is serious about this because he was like think it over for a couple days then I’ll talk to Kevin...

So I guess I’m just looking for advice, experiences, anything remotely helpful 😅😬