Waiting ... patiently

Jan • Mummy to my 😇Angel Findley born sleeping at 39 weeks 💙.. And 😇 angel Robyn late miscarriage at 16 weeks. 🌈 Lewis 02/09/2020 👼 👼👼ruptured ectopic and two miscarriage

So I am 2nd cycle after my late miscarriage, I though for sure af would show today. I have been feeling rough for a few days, sore boobs, lots of cm, thinking might be pregnant.. might be my brain trying to be mean. Had some old cramping a 7-9dpo, nothing since.

So af hasn’t shown today and now am convincing myself I must have just ovulated a day later than I thought. I will take a test tomorrow morning if she doesn’t show her ugly head.

Worst thing am in Kenya on safari and I can’t start taking my malaria tablets until she appears!!

Baby dust to everyone and anyone trying!! Especially those who are waiting in their rainbow!