
Michelle • 1st IVF failed at 9weeks 💙. 2nd IVF failed. 💔

Today I am 7 weeks 4 days. We did an <a href="">ivf</a> pregnancy. On May 14 when I went to the fertility dr he said I had a Subchorionic hemorrhage next to the gastational sac measuring 22mm. He put me on bed rest because I am at risk of a miscarriage. I had to go back yesterday, May 20, but Sunday night I started to bleed. The ultrasound shows it went down to 21mm from the bleeding. He wants to keep me on bed rest and contact him if I have any issuses. Mean while my first obgyn appt is June 6. So im guessing I will be on bed rest till then. Should I call my obgyn and tell them whats going on? I feel helpless. Here is a pic below. The baby is on the left and the blood pool is on the right 🙁