Second baby birth story.

mamabear • Dallas&Rylee🖤

Unbelievably simple. I went in for my appt at 39 weeks 2 days and my doctor said he wanted to induce because my blood pressure was starting to rise. Induction was started at 11am and it took a long time to progress. Next day doctor broke my water and then my contractions became extremely painful. I asked for an epidural and took a 3 hr nap. My nurse woke me up and checked for dilation and I was at a 10. I told her I felt like I was pooping about 10 minutes later. She checked me again and baby girl slipped right out without any pushing. My doctor walked in right as she slid out.

Rylee 6lbs 4.4oz 18.5 inches long.

Tiny compared to my first born at 8lbs 7.7oz 22 inches.