Preemie Mom


I had a normal pregnancy. All of my check ups were perfect. Baby was healthy, developing at a good rate. I went into labor at 24 weeks and 2 days. Baby was breech with her foot stuck in the birth canal. They put me under and i had an emergency classical c section. She came out at 1lb 9.9oz and 11.5 inches long. She was bussed 2 hours north of me where they worked on her all night long. She had a bilateral grade 2 brain bleed, low birth weight, jaundice, premature lungs and a whole slew of other things that come along with micro preemie births. I didn't see her for three days while i was stuck at my hospital recovering. As soon as i was cleared, i went straight up to see her. I spent 6 straight weeks by her side. Helping take her temperature, sitting in on nurses rounds and asking questions, getting those looks of pity that she might not pull through. I remember being so mad because all the doctor's kept telling me not to her my hopes up, not to get attached. I understand why, it didn't make it hurt less. But my little girl is stubborn. The brain bleeds resolved, her lungs got stronger. The hole in her heart closed. We started kangaroo care, we started baths, we read stories and told her about all of her family that was waiting to meet her. She was weaned off of her o2, she started taking bottles. We passed the carseat test and after 5 long months isolated from the world, she proved she was strong enough to go home. That was 3 and a half years ago. My beautiful fighter is proof that miracles happen and medical science is amazing. I love her more than words can express, even on days when she makes me want to pull my hair out. I couldn't fathom a life without her. This is my beautiful Ravyn Day 1, month 3, and current.