Why would you try to force someone to breastfeed?

Okay so a little backstory...

I had my son 9 months ago. I had a very hard labor and delivery. I had a an infection, a fever and tachycardia and on top of of that I had a postpartum hemorrhage. I know that some people have had it worse but it was very traumatic for me being my first baby and all. So anyways I had a hard time bonding with my baby I didn’t really want to be with him which made me feel terrible and so I ended up with postpartum depression later on. While the nurses were trying to stop my hemorrhage my son started crying and unfortunately I couldn’t breastfeed him so they had to give him formula. I was in a lot of pain and I tried to get him to latch but he didn’t want to and I tried so hard but I just gave up. After that my mother in law and her family made some really rude comments about me not breastfeeding which to me was really annoying. They acted like I was the worst mother in the world because I decided formula was best for me and my baby. Plus a little side note.... my son has to use a special formula for reflux and lactose intolerance so yeah... anyways my sister in law is now pregnant and when we went to visit them my mother in law was there and we just ended up discussing her plans for the hospital stay and everything. Well anyways my mother in law goes “well I don’t care what she does but I know I’m gonna be making her breastfeed” I just stood there in complete silence like okay?... why in the world would you try to force something on someone it’s not her decision to make seriously. My mother in law has seriously stepped over many boundaries with my baby. The first week out from the hospital she wanted us to stay with her and my husband was like okay it definitely help you out. Well that first week was hell she completely took over my son. She gave him a bath without even asking me or including me in it. She took him without my permission when I was trying to feed him because I still tried to get him to latch on my breast. She just really upsets me sometimes or maybe I’m being ridiculous but it just bothers me when she’s always overstepping ( I might make a post with all the things she’s done so far)