Secret admirer flower delivery???! 😤


I got a nice bouquet of flowers delivered to my work today... along with a teddy bear and chocolates. The note said “always on my mind” signed “admirer”

I’m married with kids and hubby claims he didn’t send flowers. In fact I still have my Mother’s Day flowers on the table so that is definitely odd.

I’m not talking to anyone or “flirting” with anyone so this is very puzzling 🤔 who sends random flowers and wants to remain unanimous? Is this some sick joke? I feel very creeped out by this ... what do I do?

I called the shop and they wouldn’t give me any info just that the sender didn’t want to be known... 🤨 this isn’t a cheap arrangement either, odd!!!

Edit: I’m the only Lily in the building. It’s a doctors office so we are open to the public. It could be a patient but idk they don’t know our names let alone last name initial 😐