My boyfriend is not romantic


I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but the cliche romance stuff couples do is not his thing. I find romance in other things he does, like backing my car out of the driveway, filling my gas tank, taking my glasses off when I fall asleep watching a movie. ANYWAY.. My fat pregnant ass had too much sodium from drinking propel water, we went to Kroger and I drove without shoes. He asked before we left if I had shoes in the car, of course I do! Right? Wrong. I had one sandal somehow. So he says just stay here I'll go in, and I'm thinking damn it's hot out here, he walked away with the keys and he's going grocery shopping. I get a text from him..

And then a call. "Hey should I get a size up because your feet are swollen?" He had made fun of me the week before while we were grocery shopping because I said I liked those shoes, he was all "we're in a grocery store this is not the place to pick out shoes." He comes out with the shoes and I'm laughing and crying at the same time because it was the sweetest thing ever, not only did he remember that I liked them, but he went inside and bought them for me just so we could shop together. We went to my sister's for a little spur of the moment cookout, we get home late. The next day I'm back at Kroger depositing a check at the bank in the store, and he sends me another text

The sandal that I was missing had fallen out of the car when we were leaving for the store the day before. I'm dying laughing over this picture, and still just totally in love with my not romantic man.

Point of all of this is, acknowledge and appreciate the little things your man does for you. Does he buy me flowers? No. Does he get me fancy stuff for Valentine's day? No. Does he send me mile long texts about his undying love for me? No, but he shows me in little ways every single day. He does headlight restorations on my car while I'm in class, buys me Kroger sandals, cuts up all my favorite veggies and gets my favorite hummus for my snack. I don't want flowers, and cheesy texts. I want this man, the one who shows his love in practical ways, in a way all his own. If I had to choose between a man who buys me bouquet of roses, and a man who buys me a size up in Kroger sandals for my swollen feet, best believe I'm chosing the sandal guy. Don't get caught up in what love is supposed to be, or what romance is supposed to be. There isn't a cookie cutter for love, if you dig the typical thing and that's what works for your relationship then that is great, if not, just understand that there's a million ways to show love if you open your eyes. Appreciate a good man 💕 I do