Screwed everything up


I feel so terrible right now!! First of all, this morning I slept in because I forgot to set my alarm, so my dad and I didn’t leave until almost an hour after the original time. Then when I went to my school get everything I left in my locker, I forgot to check the lost and found for my black fleece, which I can’t go back for until at least tomorrow. And just now, I realized that basketball workouts started an hour ago, not an hour from now. I woke my dad up from his nap and then realized it was too late. But he had just fallen asleep and couldn’t go back to sleep. Not to mention, he’s been staying up late at night to finish work (works at home) and then getting up early to drive an hour to where my family’s moving and help set everything up. I’ve screwed everything up and don’t know how to fix it and I barely even wanna face him!!! And now we won’t get home until around 8 tonight because of my dance classes, where I’m basically asking him to drop $500 on extra classes and shoes and private’s and now I don’t know what to do!!!