Lol wow im a hypocrite!!! Update

ShelbyLoryn🌯🍺🤓 • 28 years young! 🤪👨‍👩‍👧🌶

I use to chuckle everytime I saw people post about stupid signs of their egg or vegetables being preggo and it being a sign.....


I made fajitas and no joke 4 of my bell peppers (all different colors) had another bell pepper inside!!! At first i was like oh cool never happened before but 1 after another I was like wtf and couldn't help but wonder.... IS IT A SIGN!!! 🤣🤔

Like really... I have NEVER EVER seen a preggo bell pepper or ANY vegetable and have had 0 luck having another child. 2 years no birth control...

Lol who knows 🤷‍♀️

Update: still haven't tested but... still i feel its hopeful thinking!!! 🤞