Just coming by to check on you ladies!

Hey everyone!

Don't stress out trying to conceive!

I just wanted to come by and share my story.

My husband and I tried for 3 years with no luck. I can talk about everything I have tried but I don't have all day lol

I was 1 last hope from seeing a specialist. I had the referral and was going to make the appointment. I decided to take a fertility vitamin and turned up pregnant in the same cycle.

Here are some truths:

I didn't have EWCM

I don't had sex 1 time

No need to test before you're late, just a waste of money

I was late and I still got BFN. I just knew i was out

Days late I felt like crap, with swollen lymph nodes>went to urgent care>which is how i found out about my BFP

All those months I spent thinking I had symptoms, turns out I had no clue.

It took weeks for me to feel sore boobs and that was it. No other symptoms.

No implantation bleeding it just didnt happen.

I went fron happy to scared:

I did bleed like a slaughtered cow from week 11-16. Just a hematoma that resolved with bedrest.

Fibroids lifting the placenta,also resolved with bed rest.

What I came by to say is when it's your time, it is all yours!

Everything you read on here won't apply to you. Sometimes you'll hang on to hope even when AF has clearly showed up.

Find inspiration on this app. You may have a few hurdles but try something new. It doesn't matter if you are ttc for 3 months or 3years, it's the same kind of pain when AF shows and the same kind of tear jerking joy when you get a BFP. My inspiration was the "know it alls" that were so bitter that all they spoke about was the impossible. I was told the fertility vitamin I used caused miscarriages. I decided to take the chance and now I'm 23weeks!

Now get over here and get some of this baby dust! Some of this juju! Some of this anonymous love!