36 week update


as i get closer to my due date, all these babies just make me want to cry 😭😭😭 they’re so cute and tiny and precious and i’m so ready to hold my son.

i feel like i’m going to cry like a baby. i constantly wonder what he’ll look like, if his dad will cry when he sees him (which i think he might) i keep showing him pictures on here like “look at the cute baby 😭♥️”

i’m definitely ready to get my body back, especially with all these snapchat memories reminding me of how skinny i used to be lol, but i could go without the constant nausea, itching, emotions, etc. like i cried over donuts yesterday... my husband thought it was so pathetic lol.. but he ate my donuts... he should be surprised he woke up this morning with all his hair and his penis and just alive in general lol. it was a whole ass craving, those donuts.

i will (to an extent) miss my heightened sense of smell. the only reason i wouldn’t miss it is smelling hubby’s smelly farts before he does 😒 cause it’s not funny.

he is military, and is scheduled to deploy mid June which is a few days after our sons due date. between pre-deployment leave, and paternity leave, he’ll hopefully get 3 weeks with us once the baby is born but then has his own flight out 🙁😢 i’m glad i won’t be the only one hearing those little cries in the middle of the night. he’ll still be a baby when dad comes back, but not a newborn.

with my constant itching my doctor has decided to most likely induce me in the next two weeks so i’m feeling all sorts of emotions. i’m nervous and excited, and overwhelmed. we have to move out of the house we’re staying in on base and up to my parents house, which is where i will be his whole deployment and it’s about 35-40 minutes from our hospital as opposed to the hour and a half drive it would be from where we’re at now.

we have so much to do, and so little time it feels like. thankfully we don’t break our lease here until mid July, so after the baby is born, and my husband is gone, my parents can help me finish moving and cleaning the house for the final inspection. but for now, I have what I need at my parents house already, and we just need to get up there and start relaxing and waiting for baby to come. his leave starts next saturday, we’re barely a week away!! crazy to think in the next two weeks our lives will change forever. you don’t have a for sure name yet, but we love you little boy, and we can’t wait to meet you 🙈♥️🥰