Did I say the wrong thing or is she overreacting


Quick background history, in laws were able to be there for birth of the baby, as was my mom. The rest of my family (dad, step mom, brother, and sister) live out of state and are not able to fly out because of previous overwhelming medical bills from my dad's two strokes and brain surgery. So they have only been able to ever see the baby over the phone and he will be 6 months in June. My husband and I are finally able to get time off work to fly out to visit and we are so excited.

Mil has been around for baby's whole life, she watches him while we are at work about 3-4 times a week. But the other day, as my mil is leaving my house she mentions that she is going to miss her grandson and she will FaceTime every day we are gone. I replied and she immediately shut down and refused to talk to me and just walked away.

Here's how the conversation went.

Her: I'm going to FaceTime you every day so I dont miss my grandson

Me: oh we probably won't answer if we are with my family, but we can call when we are back at the hotel.

Her: /silence and a rude look

Me: even (husband) will probably have his phone off so work doesn't bother him.

Her: /spins around and storms off

So.. as soon as she leaves, she called my FIL, who then called my husband to complain about me and why I just yelled at his mom. I had to explain to my husband what actually happened because she twisted the story and said that I told her "no we don't want to talk to you" which is not at all what I said or meant. I just want to spend every second possible with my family because they have 5 months of quality time to catch up on with their first grandchild, packed into just 1 week. I refuse to get on the phone unless we are at the hotel without my family. It wouldn't be fair to my family to be spending time and suddenly they have a phone shoved between them.

What do you think? Am I not understanding something here? Should we take time away from my parents so MIL can video call my son?