
has anyone taken tums while pregnant? i have such bad heartburn and idk what i can take that would be safe to help it ??

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Tums are my best friends lol, I have bad heartburn and a messed up gallbladder so I am always chewing on a tum (I get the chewable tums). You can have 6 in a 24 hour period.


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My doctor told me I could munch as many tums as I wanted for heartburn as long as I didn't constipate myself. They're safe, basically a calcium supplement. If you're in a pinch, you can also chug about 8oz of milk and that should settle it for a couple hours. That's what I have to do at work when I don't have my tums.


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Yes. Follow the instructions.


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My doc said I could pop as many tums as needed or to try mylanta (he suggested it cold)


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It’s safe


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Just don't take them the same time as your prenatal or other meds before the calcium can affect iron absorption ect..


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You can also try Zantac.


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Tums do nothing for my heartburn so my doctor prescribed pepcid. It has saved my life.


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Yes go for it


Kelsey • May 23, 2019
You can also take Zantac


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Yes I did, I didnteven know I was. It really help I had it before bed and made me puke.


Laura • May 23, 2019
It’s safe to use while pregnant :)