Iggy Azalea calling Bhad Bhabie “fat”


This happened November of last year but I just found out about it and it honestly really triggered some bad thoughts reading what Iggy had to say about Bhad Bhabie (Danielle) and her body.

I have always struggled with my body image as well as ED’s...

I recently stumbled upon an article about these two women feuding and in response while describing an altercation, Iggy referred to this 15 y/o girl as “fat”

It sounds really stupid but I just noticed that nobody challenged her. Everyone was just compliant about this girl being described as fat.

And I kept thinking “omg if she’s fat, I wonder what people say about me...”

I was called fat recently by someone online who said that my measurements of 36, 28, 40 meant I had a “chicken nugget” body and I was disgusting and it’s disturbing to me because the healthy me knows that I’m not. But the me who glorifies thigh gaps and admires starvation takes it personally.

I haven’t eaten in 2 days just because I feel like I need to punish myself and I haven’t engaged in that kind of behavior for years. I really don’t want to feel this way anymore and I want these starvation spells to stop happening.

Anyone have advice on how to deal with these ED triggers?