Induced at 39+2


Went in for my induction Sunday night and they stuck a strip up my vagina to soften it overnight

Monday morning I started pitocin that wasn’t so bad right away

What hurt right away was the penicillin bc I was GBS + that crap felt like liquid fire in my veins 🤯

I also had a pressure cuff on that automatically took readings every so often and it just so happened that when I had finished my penicillin the nurse came in to flush the line and right as she was pouring the last of the liquid fire into my veins the pressure cuff went off (yes they’re on the same arm). I almost kicked the living shit out of anyone near my feet it hurt soo bad

Well at any rate labor progressed normally I guess the next time they checked me I was at a 7 and not too much later maybe 15 minutes I had the shits of labor pains and requested an epidural. Well I sat up to get checked out and told the midwife I had to 💩. I did not feel like a baby was ready to pop out of my vagina lol. Well she made me lay back down and lo and behold baby was crowning after 4 minutes of pushing and only 7 cm dilated I had my chunky little girl Diana Irene L. 9 lbs 9.4 oz 22” long