Short story

Aali • Mom to a King 🐘💙
Short story... on 5/22 my water broke at 5:30am and we immediately went to the hospital about 15-20 mins away. Got to labor and delivery, had my cervix checked still thick and only 1cm dilated... started me on oxytocin to help speed up the delivery... fast forward til about 6:45 pm still hooked up to oxytocin and babys heart rate dropped twice so they immediately took me off and gave me a shot to stopped the cervix from trying to dilate. Epidural was inserted to take the cramps and pressure away. That stuff is a LIFE SAVER. Got some sleep on and off around 10:30 due to vomitting here and there. Around 2:30 am i was put back on oxytocin and 2 hrs later my cervix was thin at 2 cm weird lol. At 5:24am i pushed for literally 5 mins they saw his head and he was out at 5:29 am at 6 lbs 10 ounces and 20 cm! My doctor thought he would be 8 lbs im glad he wasnt I wouldve suffered 3rd degree tears but only came out with 2 degree tears. Didnt feel anything epidurals are a LIFE SAVER.. lol but it’s great i might do this again childree are blessings and i vow to be the best mother i can possibly be to my sweet Gemini 😊. Everyone nervous about giving birth just pray or say a couple of mantras to ge through it serious helps and dont freak out when the nurses tell you that you might need a c section or the heart rate drops they will do everything to have a healthy mom and healthy baby before they use the c section route. God bless everyone honestly this a joy.