Induced, third baby, epidural & overdue birth story


So I always loved reading the birth stories but could never seem to find easily exactly what I was looking for. Which was a mama with similar births as me. So here is my third baby boy. All my babies have been born late. And I always know exactly when I have become pregnant. With this one I opted to be induced because my husband could only take 5 days off work and we have two other kids. One of which in school and a 1 yr old.

I show up to the hospital at about 5am. A friend drove me so my husband could keep the kids. We live in Amarillo TX and have no family here and no family that was willing to come. They finally hook me up at about 7am to pitocin and fluids. I’m feeling fine for a couple hrs and then things start ramping up a bit. I came into the hospital at around 1.5 cm and I had been that for a few weeks. I get checked four hrs later and there’s no progression so they break my water. After an hr they check again and there’s quite a bit of meconium in the fluid. But baby is doing great and I’m still contracting. I’m really starting to hurt at this point. 7 hrs after starting pitocin and breaking my water there’s no change to my cervix except for being softer and I’m in so much pain and can’t relax. I opt for the epidural. I have disc degenerative disease so my spine is very very tight between the spaces and it takes a very good anesthesiologist to place the epidural. She gets it and it went amazing. I was feeling great after that. I fell asleep for a bit after having a popsicle and then woke up about 1.5 hrs after getting it because I kept feeling like I was trying to poop. The nurse said there’s no way I could be close to pushing since it had only been an hr and a half and I was only barely a 2. So I turn on a comedy and call my husband. The nurse comes in and at this point I’m like “look, I’m really trying not to poop myself but it’s getting intense.” So she checks me. The look on her face was PRICELESS!! She said omg, don’t push, I have to call your doctor.

15 minutes later he gets there and I’m already in the stirrups and still watching the comedy show to take my mind off of it. I keep laughing and the doctor was trying to get himself ready. The nurse just says oh my god, and shoves her hands underneath me. Needless to say the nurse got to deliver my baby because I just laughed him out of my body and was in such good spirits. The nurses take pictures for me to send to my husband and I’m just elated. He was perfect and the meconium didn’t hurt him at all.

Our antibodies it turns out were incompatible so he was very jaundiced and we had to nurse and feed a lot more to clear it up. But other than that everything was good. No tears and no epidural headache or pain afterwards. I was able to get up after a few hours because the epidural did take longer to wear off. But it was worth it for me. My body doesn’t relax very well and never dilated until after getting it. After a bit my husband and other two boys came to visit and eat with me. It was sad being alone but definitely worth it!
