Help ease a first time mom’s fear of Labor!


First, I want anyone who’s posting to be completely honest about their experience. I know everyone is different, but it’s worth sharing for women who have not gone into labor before.

Background on me, this is my first baby. I’m having a boy and I’m currently 16 weeks. I’ve had one natural miscarriage at 6 weeks, and one D&C at 8.

My natural miscarriage felt like hell. It is hard for me to imagine a full size baby. I do intend to get an epidural if it works out for me. I say that because I’m on blood thinners now.

I’m very encouraged by friends and women who say giving birth is the best part of pregnancy. While I am excited to meet my little guy, I’m also chicken to feel labor pains.

So my question to you all is,.... how bad is it? Those of you will low tolerance pains, what was your experience like? Those of you who used epidurals, was it helpful? Those of you who just want to stop by and encourage us who have yet to experience this, please do!

Lastly, I’m due 11/9/19.. what’s the likelihood of him being born on the due date? Were you early or late?

Thanks for your time!!!