Help me 😩


So since Thursday I’ve been having really bad cramps as if I were to get my period. I was able to handle them throughout the day. Yesterday tho or today lol it’s passed midnight so I don’t know what day to use LOL but anyways *friday I had my 38 week appointment. All morning and all day I’ve had like tightening of the stomach and of my back? Is my back suppose to hurt like this? Doctor checked me and said I was thin and 1cm dilated. I was wondering if anyone knew any methods to speed this up because I am in so much pain. I’ve been trying to nap through it but I keep waking up when I have like a sharp cramp which is like every 40 mins but they’re consistent. Also my legs are really hurting me, like I get these sharp pains in them I can’t walk straight, I wobble. I can’t even get off the couch without any help.... I’m feeling helpless as fuck at this point