Mom wont stop talking about autism

I am going absolutely insane. My mother wont stop posting videos on social media about detecting autism in babies/toddlers, shes always talking to me about signs she sees in my 17 month old. She has even took it upon herself to voice her thoughts and concerns to our family physician who doesnt even see my son as a patient.

Now I have seen some things that have been concerning. There a lot of milestones he hasn't reached. I have already discussed this with his pediatrician and the birth to three services he receives because of his lack of reaching milestones.

But the point isn't whether or not my son has autism but the fact that my mother feels the need to constantly buzz in my ear about it or post videos on social media. I told her today that she has already voiced her concerns about it but I dont appreciate her constantly throwing it in my face. After telling her this she actually got mad at me! Like I have done something wrong. As a mother I have taken the proper steps, I have spoken to his pediatrician, I have gotten him special services to help him get to where he needs to be. She needs to let it go now! I just really needed to vent because I'm getting fed up with it.

@me☘ she definitely has a right to have her own concerns. I did mention that I have concerns of my own. I also stated above that those concerns have been voiced to his pediatrician as well as birth to three services he is already receiving. But I do not need my mother talking about autism continuously to me, nor do I need her posting videos from youtube on Facebook about signs of autism in children, or pointing out random things he does throughout the day and exclaiming that it's a sign of autism. I have already taken the right steps if he has autism, he is already recieving special care to help him reach his milestones. Theres nothing more I can do that I haven't already been doing, so I really do not need nor appreciate her constantly chirping in my ear about it and pointing out everything my child does that may be associated with autism.