When do you plan on naming your baby?


I feel like a LOT of people on my feed are naming their babies as soon as they learn the sex of their babies, which I NEVER heard of before??? In my family we’ve always waited until the baby is born so we can see if the name looks right on them, but maybe we’re the weird ones 😂

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We had a name selected in private but we didn’t share it until after our daughter was born to make sure it still “fit” her! It stuck 😎


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I always pick out my boy names before I know the gender, it’s just easier for me to settle on a boy name for some reason. Girl names are impossible for me to pick out, I still don’t have one I like and I’m on my second kid. As soon as I left my gender appointment with my son I knew I’d name him Elijah David. And now I’m 10 weeks with my second and I know if it’s a boy I’m gonna name him Benjamin Joel. If I’m having a girl it’s probably gonna take me till I give birth to decide on a name lmao


Amanda • May 25, 2019
My husband and I are experiencing the same, we have so many awesome boy names but have only agreed on ONE girl name.


Maddie • May 25, 2019
We’re the opposite with being able to choose 😂 we have so many girl names we like but we have a HARD time with boy names 😂


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We picked after finding the gender and I’m glad we didn’t wait to see if it fit. Because after my baby Lucy was born I was loopy - having just gone through several days of no sleep and intense labor to push her out - and as she was the first newborn baby I had ever seen I decided that she didn’t look like a Lucy and that a tougher name like Harriet fit her better. Don’t judge. I had lost a lot of blood and was tired. I didn’t change it - only because I knew my husband wouldn’t agree. I’m glad that I didn’t choose her name then. I was crazy.


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We had names picked for both sexes before finding out. I don’t think babies look like their names, they all look the same to be honest lol I’m a firm believer babies grow into their names and the name makes them vs the other way around.


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This is my third baby and I already have the name picked for either gender. I picked my other two kids names before we knew their gender and somehow their names suit them absolutely perfectly.


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For both my girls we had a short list and a front runner name, but we didn’t share it with anyone and we waited until each kid was born to make sure it fit. I would take turns talking to my pregnant belly with one name or another...that is how I ended up dropping what I thought was going to be my second’s name (Charlotte) and went with her actual name (Sophie). Charlotte just didn’t sound right and Sophie sounded so natural. Doing the same this time!


Maddie • May 25, 2019
That’s kind of how we’ve been playing it! We have names that we *think* are the winners but nothing is set in stone. We’re also not finding out the sex ahead of time so really I don’t have a choice but to wait 😂


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I don’t really get the “fit” thing. It looks like a humanoid blob for like.. months. And even then they don’t DO anything that would make you think “oh yeah he’s totally a Jack.” You just pick a name you like, and pretend you think it “fits” when it’s born 😂


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My husband & I had our girl name picked out way before we even started trying for this baby! Sometimes when you hear such a beautiful name & you love it, you just know it’s the right one! We’re hoping it’s a girl! 💕


Lindsey • May 26, 2019
Savannah. & then Michelle will be the middle name, which is also mine & my mom’s!


Amanda • May 25, 2019
What is the name


Lindsey • May 25, 2019
But I can see why some parents decide to wait til they see their baby.


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I've had names picked out since I was TTC, I was so ready to find out the sex😂


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I’ll decide on a few names when I find out the gender, but I won’t 100% pick it until I give birth and see their sweet face ♥️