I have 2 girls currently pregnant with my 3rd baby but really wanting it to be a boy I don’t have morning sickness or feel like crap throughout the day like I did with my 2 girls could I be having a boy?


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I have 2 boys and was incredibly sick for both. Really can’t tell by symptoms


Posted at
Symptoms are unique to each individual person. I have 4 children. 3 boys that I was awful sick with and 1 girl that I wasn’t sick with like at all. It’s just kinda hit and miss for each woman and each pregnancy.


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I have three boys and all my pregnancies with them were very different


Posted at
My 1st son, I got sick every now and than, my 2nd and 3rd son, no sickness, and my 4th boy i was sick my whole 1st trimester. You really cant tell by sickness.


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Both me and my friend have boys and were incredibly sick with them.She was sick the entire pregnancy, I was sick up until 5 months. I hope it’s a boy for you though 💙