Just need some unbiased support or opinion


I’ve been dating a guy for 7 months now and he’s really great...

But I despise his mother. I’ve had limited interaction, but what interaction I’ve had wasn’t great. She asks him for money constantly and has him doing stupid shit. One evening she had him picking up pine cones out of the yard. PINE CONES.

We were supposed to spend this 3 day weekend together. He felt unwell last night and didn’t come over. I’ll be there at 6-7am he says. He calls me at 10 this morning to say he’s gotta get a hair cut.

It’s going on 2pm and I’m wondering where he’s at. With his mom, painting a room out of the blue.

I’m trying my hardest to not get frustrated with him but this happens more than I like to admit. I probably won’t see him until tonight because she will find shit for him to do.

Hell, when she didn’t have a car, she’d take his and be gone until 10pm with it.

I’m just so irritated and I needed to vent.


His best friend of 15 years has let me know a lot of things his mom has done to him in the past and we both agree she’s not the greatest.

She shouldn’t yell at him to the point I can hear her with his phone to his ear or ask him for money for his brother’s baby momma.