Step mom struggle #2

So I wrote about this before. I just need to vent anonymously. So bio mom has agreed after very much pressure from "us" - me nagging at me husband. after almost five years bio mom agrees to have her daughter's birthday all together I've never ever been invited to anything but we've pressuring her and she agreed. Daughter keeps asking when are you going to meet my mom when is my mom going to meet my little brother.I've met her mom but daughter doesn't remember because she was so little I haven't actually seen her mom in a year and a half. You wonder why she agreed? Because she said we have to pay for the party otherwise we're not doing it together. It's at a play center is 200 bucks, whatever, so I went and paid it. She said she made the reservation which she didnt. so I made the reservation and I paid the $200 but then she tells us we're not allowed to invite anybody. What is that?? And we're not allowed to get a gift more than what she's getting. I understand that I don't ever want to outshine her or make her look bad or that we bought her something fancy and her mom couldn't so we agreed like on a price point. She's taking her to get her ears pierced. That's like $20? So what do I buy her in that price point?

Anyways moving on from the birthday party I had daughter this weekend even though my husband was out of town working, and Mom said that it was Grandpa's birthday and if she could have her back early on Sunday I said no problem yes. me being nice and naive I go and get a birthday card and a little gift from daughter to Grandpa. I go and drop her off and I hand the the gift and the card to uncle and I get the strangest look of confusion. pretty sure Mom lied to me about the birthday because she wanted her daughter back so I looked so stupid. all she had to do was say hey I want her back early today - she's your daughter I would have never said no. But you made me look stupid.

A hard part for me was when I picked her up from school she said oh I didn't know you were picking me up I wish my real mom was here. this is the first time she's ever said my REAL mom.

I'm just feeling like a punching bag and a babysitter. My opinion doesn't matter and anything that I think or say doesn't matter. Our daughter just had a information night at school for her transitioning to grade 1 and mom made a huge deal that I was not allowed to attend. I'm like the only one that does anything educational with her. I read with her, I get her to practice how to write, to count her numbers,learn her letters , shapes, colors. our daughter is very behind. She is 6 years old but she has a educational/academic cognitive ability of a three/four year old. So she needs a lot of help and structure and educational learning and support- which no one does with her.

I took our daughter two weekends in a row when my husband was away, I didn't have to, I could easily said no, but I helped out and I took her because I love her, obviously. When I took her last weekend, I was supposed to drop her off on Friday morning at daycare but it . closed. we contacted mom and asked where we can meet her for drop off because she was supposed to have her. Mom said this is my day "I'm not coming to get her, her STEP mom can take care of her she wants the title so bad." I was supposed to leave out of town for the long weekend after dropping her off at daycare 8am. I had to put my plans on hold because nobody would pick her up after we had her for 5 days. I ended up leaving town at 6 pm, with my 10 month old baby and drive for hours. I was so upset that Mom disregarded any schedule or plans that I had. I had to abide by her rules and what worked best for her. And she never even picked her up I had to drop her off at her parents house. You expect me to take our daughter every weekend even when my husband isn't here and then you demand and expect everything but you won't even talk to me? our daughter was super upset crying I miss my mom I just want to see my mom why can't I go to my mom's house and I never text mom never call Mom and I texted her and I said her daughter is really sad she wants to talk to you can she please call you. I never even got a response. I get it you don't like me but that was not about me that was about your daughter and she needed you, she needed your love, and reassurance and you ignored it.

my husband is continuing his 21 days on 4 days off and our weekends land when he's gone so I continue taking his daughter. I'm just having a really hard time because all I want is to be amicable with Mom and she's so nasty to me. if my husband is out of town and you want me to take our daughter you at least need to talk to me and be amicable because he's not even here. If your daughter need you then you need to answer my phone calls or my texts.

I don't want to tell my husband I don't want to take our daughter because of mom. but I also really want him to just stand up to me and say you can't talk about my wife like that.Understand how much she is doing for US, and our daughter.

Ughhh rant over. 😒 Thanks