37 week no pain med induction 🥰 GRAPHIC!!!


I found out I had Cholestasis of pregnancy and would need to be induced right at 37 weeks.

This is our second child, our first girl. We were so excited and set to be

Induced May 25th at 6:45pm.

We arrive, they ask a ton of questions. Finally around 10:30 they

started Cytotec to see how my body would respond and to further dilated my cervix. (I was already between 1-2cm and 50% effaced). That alone put my body into early labor! Contractions just felt like very strong period cramps (AT FIRST lol). I could work through them on the ball or walking the hall. That kept up until about 2:30am and fizzled out; I also was informed I’d only dilated another cm. So we wait for the next shift to start, finally they start me on a little pitocin... that really did it for me. I started banging out huge contractions. I actually got to use a water birth tub and screaming in my husbands cute face for pain relief. When the pain was too much for me to handle i got out of the tub and onto all fours so I could just focus on growling through the pain... I knew I was close. I insisted I couldn’t go on anymore. I knew it was time to push because you really do feel like you need to poop suddenly! I pushed 4-5 times and my sweet daughter basically flew out lol.

This was the absolute craziest thing I’ve ever experienced; no pain-med childbirth WITH a ton of pitocin. 😳 I truly cannot believe my body did that!!! It still feels surreal that my baby girl is here, wrapped up next to me. 🥰

Lauren Marie Crone; 5/26/19 @ 5:44pm. 5lb13oz, 19in long