Need answers what do you think? (Raped)

I was recently molested by a man who wouldn’t STOP lifting up my dress and wouldn’t STOP trying to insert his fingers inside me, where they obviously did NOT belong. And experiencing that made me feel scared, embarrassed and not to mention heated all at the same time from just being violated by him, A COMPLETE STRANGER THAT I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW!

But a month later not too long after that incident, when my boyfriend now ex was in town. I had experienced something also violating with my now ex and that was rape. Yet I didn’t actually take it as serious like I did when I was molested, even when I was more then aware what he did to me was incredibly wrong. My ex had said to me that night, when we were in the front seat of his car if I was still scared to have sex, because of the pregnancy scare I told him my bestfriend had. I told him ofc you never know the possibilities. He found my response amusing and laughed because of it, before kissing me and assuring me nothing like that was going to happen. I somewhat felt trust in him, so I asked if he had brought any condoms with him. He flat out told me no, so I flat out told him no as well, with just enough seriousness in my tone. Because I was barely 19 at that time, just a beginning freshman in college. I wasn’t going to tolerate having a baby block my path to success when I was just a baby myself getting started in life. After that from there, he just stopped the talking and ran his fingers down at my lower region. Something I allowed him to do because I assumed he understood we weren’t going to engage in actual sex. But things somehow went left and he ended up, inserting his hot member in me. I remember exactly wincing at the pain and panicking once I realized what exactly was going on. I told him from the start, that it hurts and to specifically pull out. He whispered to me in a calming tone to relax and to my surprise I actually did, because I thought he was going to knock it off and pull out. Unfortunately he didn’t though... instead he inserted the rest of himself, which made me resort to moving my hips away, to try to stop the penetration. But that didn’t work out to well for me though. Because he had pinned me back hard against the car seat forcing my actual walls to take everything he had in him to offer. I called him out again in frustration saying this didn’t feel right because I’m in pain and he just decided from there to start kissing me to prevent me from complaining, while he began penetrating me. At the very end (the tragic part) he came in me🤗

(Emoji is sarcasm for the women insinuating I “liked it”😒) At the end of this though he fixed the situation, so I was actually able to walk out the relationship baby free which I’m ultimately grateful for, just without my virginity. But my question to you all though is, Am I weird for not reacting to this, the same way I did when I was molested by a stranger?

UPDATE: LISTEN, if your sitting here insinuating that what I posted is a fucking fib because “it isn’t written in your liking” you can go fuck yourself. I specifically asked if I’m weird for not reacting to this, the same way I did when I was molested by a stranger. NOT your fucking opinion on how weird you felt my confession was written. Go ahead and find a confession that’s written in a form that isn’t and I quote “Weird” or “strange” to you and that’s that.