Financially selfish husband?

Financially selfish husband? I met my husband 7 years ago (we’ve been married for almost 4 years this August). When I met him he was just a college student not making much money at all which I was ok with because I loved him anyway. We were not financially stable to the point where I offered we live with his family (his parents and siblings financially depend on him) so that way he didn’t have to pay 2 separate house bills. Living with his family has been a nightmare. They hate me and make my life miserable. I sucked it up for the sake of my husband. We have a 22 month old and I’m 31 weeks pregnant with #2. I was working up until this pregnancy because I have incompetent cervix and had to get a cerclage and was put on bed rest, on top of that I have gestational diabetes (I’m on insulin injections etc). So he is the only one working right now. He graduated from college in December and got a really REALLY good job. I’m so happy for him. We’ll finally be financially well off. We are moving to a new state where his job is. I got a good job offer in the state we are currently in for postpartum but he wants me to go with him (8hrs away for the new job). I said ok. Now that he is financially stable his true colors are coming out. He doesn’t want to pay for daycare for our 22 month old because he said it’s too expensive. He is nagging me for wanting to make our house look nice even though he can afford it. He’s acting like I’m trying to spend all his money when I’ve been nothing but patience forgoing things I need just to not stress him out about money. I’ve gone as far as borrowing from my parents in order to help with bills when he couldn’t afford it. Also for saving the money he’s going to be making now he wants to save 60% for himself only and only 40% would go towards me and the babies for emergency fund. He expects us to buy a house and do everything with that 40% while he saves the other 60% solely for him??? Idk what he wants to do with that 60%. I thought his money was our money and if I start working it would be the case for us to share since we are married with kids. I’m going to be staying home for another year to recover and care for the new baby. But it seems like I sacrificed these years of being patient and broke for nothing. I put up with us not having money for anything and now that he’s finally well off he is being selfish. Idk what to do 😞 I’m leaving my whole life behind to follow him and he’s showing me that his money is for HIM not for us and our two babies 😞 am I wrong for being hurt?