Fear of loosing my life 😔 but God had other plans☺️🙏


My due date was set for May 24,2019. Granted this was my first baby I had little to no hopes she would come on her date. Just like my entire pregnancy, I was symptomless even during “labor”. Let’s rewind this a bit, I wanna say I conceived my baby girl during the days leading up to the hurricane that hit NC in September, it wasn’t up until the day of my period I realized I may be pregnant. Normally the days before my period I would have mild cramping as a forewarning that my period was coming, this time nothing. My periods have always came on time but nothing happened the morning of my period besides some mild cramping. I became skeptical and started joking with my husband that I am pregnant bla bla bla, it wasn’t u til late afternoon the cramping became more than mild and I said let’s go to get a pregnancy test. We drive to Walmart and the entire time I’m saying aloud “I’m not pregnant, we just taking the test to rule out pregnancy, I know I’m not pregnant” my husband laughed and laughed and laughed at me. We arrived home, I raced to the bathroom thinking it would take 3-5 mins to pop up completely clear, but noooooooooooo as soon as my urine touched the stick booomm two lines!!! I was in complete disbelief so I took three more and the same exact thing happened. I screameeeddddd my husbands name and he came rushing to the bathroom as if I was dying or something lol. “I’m pregnant I said, I could see it in his face that he wanted to smile so badly but because of the fear he saw on my face he asked if I’m ok with it and I said I don’t know how I feel because atm I’m in my last year of school. He said we will work it out. At that exact moment I sighed relief but still didn’t want to accept that I was pregnant, the next day I bought several more test thinking I got a faulty test from walmart so I went to a pharmacy, Rite Aid to be exact and the same exact thing happened lol even then it was still hard to believe that I was carrying a child inside of me at that very point. It got even harder to believe that I was pregnant as time went on as I had no symptoms of pregnancy whatsoever no cravings no morning sickness no sore boobs nothing what made it even worst, I didn’t start showing until about 30 weeks. Anyways, back to my birth story, so here I am a week before my due date, dialated only a finger tip, cervix still high and no sign that she would come next week what so ever no mucus plug nothing. Fast forward to my due date, still no sign of baby coming! At least I was 3cm dilated and 60% effaced. Even though I was dialated that’s no evidence that I would go into labor. I went home and felt defeated! I started contracting but it was about 10mins apart and very mild. At about 11pm they started getting stronger so I was determined to get her out. I started doing squats lounges jumping jacks and hip circles along with walking back and forth. It was intense. The contractions started becoming unbearable but they were still to far apart to go to the hospital. So I had to bear with them. I laid down and 13 mins later my water broke at 3:00am. To the hospital we went! We arrived there and after checking my cervix my water ruptured completely, now the waiting game begun, I was at 5cm dialated. Time went pass and I was at 6 cm then eight and then nine. I progressed very quickly the only issue was my cervix was still very high! They allowed me to push several times to see if she would be able to come and drop my cervix in the process. So said so done. It took a while but at 1:38pm May 25th Za’Riyah Lynn Price was born at 6lbs14oz. I had a second degree tear and epidural. Honestly this pregnancy and birth experience was the easiest thing for me. The hardest part/most painful part was the needles and recovery as I had postpartum hemorrhaging. That was the scariest moment of life, I honestly thought I would make it as I passed ginormous blood clots and lost a lot of blood. But the Lord said it wasn’t my time yet and he allowed me to regenerate red blood cells faster than I lost blood. The nurses and doctors were so amazed at how fast I regenerated them.