Should I confront or just let it be since it's been so long?

So a probably 8-9 years ago I was seeing this guy and we had been dating for a bit. Well one day I was at his home and we started to have sex and at some point I wanted to stop. So I let my feelings be known and he said to me you can't just stop once you start...and he finished while I laid holding back my tears. I left after it happened and I texted me friend saying I think I was just raped but I wasn't sure so I just went to her house and confided in her. It's always been in the back of my mind but now that I have a daughter I would hope she would not let this happen or at least do more than I did. I've been contemplating reaching out to him and letting him know I remember it and that it wasn't okay to say that or do but I also am not sure what you would call what happened and if it warrants any acknowledgement.....