Should I tell her?

So there’s this guy my boyfriend and I hang out with and I had to set something up on his phone. He has a girlfriend/wife I honestly dont know what she is to him but anyway I seen he currently uses tinder and plenty of fish while he is still with her. He says they’ve been together 6 years. In a way I kinda want to some how let her know because I would want to know if my SO was cheating on me but then again the guy has never introduced us to her so I’ve never talked to her and that makes me not want to say anything. I completely despise cheaters so that makes me want to tell her even more. I’m stuck because I know it’s none of my business but I would’ve really appreciated if someone would’ve let me know when I was being cheated on in the past... btw we’re all adults. The guy and his girlfriend are around 37 I’m 22

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