Not a cuddly wife ?

My husband is different.

He likes to buy clothes, I like to invest in the home. He cared more about our wedding and how it looked than I did. He enjoys being touched, hugged & cuddled often - I don’t.

I’ve been stressed about the loss of our baby last year that would’ve been due next month & TTC this month...

Am I just a bitch for saying I want my space sometimes ?

It is an effect from my childhood with my own mother not being affectionate with me ?

Should my partner accept our differences & love me how I am ?

I’m not 100% cold, but I describe myself like a cat. I love to be loved and give it when it’s time, but too much I get over stimulated and leave.

Am I a bad wife ? How do you tell your husband you’re not “mushy” without seeming like you don’t love him ?