Did I do good or bad


This boy was talking about a gay kid saying we have a gay kid for class president and shook his head no then said make (school name) great again. And this boy posted it on YouTube along with other things in the video so I reported him, the teacher said she doesn’t know what they could do Bc you can exactly hear what he said, when I checked later today the boy deleted the video and I told my mom and she got mad at me. I don’t care what they do as long as they don’t bully the kid. My town lost 2 kids due to suicide Bc they were gay and bullied for it. My mom also knows a few years ago when I was a freshman these girls ganged up on me and then ppl started calling me a rat and the girl threatened to kill me, but I don’t care Bc I know what I did was right, when someone gets bullied you speak up for them regardless

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