Protection order granted

For those of you that have been following my posts these past few days.

I went to the courthouse today and my protection order was granted by the judge. The court date is on the 11th of June. I’m nervous because I have to see my ex in court and fight him for the restraining order.

I think he thinks he’s done nothing wrong because he doesn’t realize that harassment through multiple texts/emails is actually unlawful.

(There are other reasons why I filed for a harassment order, but don’t feel like explaining the whole situation again for the 100th time on here lol)

I scanned the papers to my landlord and they’ve stated that unfortunately since the order hasn’t been finalized that they can’t take me off the lease. REWIND: they allowed me to sign a roommate removal form with no fee to remove myself from the apartment.

My ex refuses to sign it and still continues to ask me “let’s figure the lease issue out” even after the sheriff told him not to contact me. He has 3 times since then.

I have texts of my ex saying I need to get my things ASAP and move out. I am aware I did not need to leave because I’m on the lease- but I have a child (not his child) and I refuse to subject my son to this mess.

Anyway I’m a little nervous if they don’t grant the order at the hearing. Any advice? I have all texts and emails still.

BY THE WAY: I haven’t served him yet so I’m sure he’s unaware of the protection order being in process. I’m not sure whether or not the landlord told him about him.