Smoking around baby


I need some advice... my mother-in-law has been asking for a grandchild since my husband and I got engaged. She is great and we have always had an awesome relationship. She lives 40 mins away and we obviously have planned for her to be extremely involved in our kids life! We even were hoping to have her watch the baby for a few weeks after I go back to work before we send baby to daycare. The catch— she is a smoker. She’s been on and off, tried to quit, successfully quit for months, etc. Now she is back to smoking. She smokes in their house. She smiles on my porch when she comes over. She smokes multiple packs a day. My husband asked what her plan was for when she watches our son. She said she would go out and have smoke breaks while he is asleep or napping. Am I crazy to be worried about this? I am worried about him being inside alone, inhaling second hand smoke from her, and also if we’re at my in-laws house, everything inside smells like smoke. We just aren’t sure what to do because at this point she says she is never quitting 😢 There has been a lot of tension lately and I’m not sure how to handle it. Anyone have any experience dealing with smokers around a new baby?