Someone laugh with me 😂

Sarah • Baby GIRL due July, 2019 🎀

I’m sitting in the OBGYN office and they are super backed up because they just switched their online program. No biggie , my favorite nurse warned me about this at my last appointment.

There’s two women who are “splitting” the chairs. Meaning they have their stuff in chairs and they are super pregnant women standing up. This woman and her mom (probably?) Said they were here for a yearly female exam- so not pregnant . My husband offered up his seat to one of the pregnant women so he’s standing now too along with the people on the wall. Everyone is eyeballing them and they are avoiding eye contact.

They are listening to loud videos that curse on the loudest volume possible. They are cutting up laughing.

In the middle of all of this she says “mom I’m going to DEMAND they admit me to the hospital for these headaches. But they never believe me.”

Girl you’ve been screaming, blaring Facebook videos, and cackling the entire hour I’ve been waiting . I don’t believe you either .

This is a joke . Don’t come at me 😂