Preterm labor due to excess fluid


I've been having twice weekly ultrasounds to measure baby and fluid since 32 weeks. I'm currently 35+2 and I have had excess fluid and baby is measuring huge. The ultrasound tech said shes surprised my body hasnt gone into labor on it's own yet due to the weight of baby and all that fluid. Is that a possibility? She said that my body will be tricked into thinking I'm further along than I am and it's likely in the next week or two that labor will start. I see my OB tomorrow and plan to ask about this but I had never heard of it so I was wondering if any of you ladies have been told this.

I'm so incredibly uncomfortable and in pain all day that I wouldnt mind baby coming a little early. My doctor has said he plans to induce at 39 weeks but I feel like I will explode before then!