induction process (so far)


my mind is still sorta all over the place because i can’t believe this is happening and it’s hitting me all at once..

for those of you wondering why your doctor won’t check your cervix or how effaced you are etc... be glad... they’re saving you a world a pain girlfriends

foley bulb is in and expanding 👍🏻

was going to do the pill for cervix softening but contractions were just over the amount that would be needed for that so we skipped over and started pitocin. ready to get this show on the road!!

and of course i’m freaking hungry 🙄 i ordered food but they said it would take an hour to get here and i don’t want to delay this any more than they already have.

seriously though, i know childbirth is one kind of pain and i have yet to experience it but that cervical check was nottttt fun... AT ALL. lol

can’t wait to meet my baby boy. hopefully he’ll be here by morning 💙💙

just currently losing the battle with hubby over his middle name, which sucks... we both won’t let up and i feel like i might give in 🙄 he would have picked the WHOLE name with me having no say in it though. trying to guilt trip me into saying “he’s trying to name him after two important people in his life” and apparently the name i want for a middle name is just a random name with no meaning what so ever which is super annoying... all names are equally important and he just thinks because it’s “his” first born son, he should be able to name him... don’t i have a say!? 😭